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Luckydog's mission: Provide sanctuary for at-risk pets and improve quality of life for animals through holistic rehabilitation, research and education.
Luckydog gives at-risk animals a second chance at vibrant life. Luckydog has been rescuing and rehabbing pets for 30+ years with a focus on holistic rehabilitation for the past 20. Luckydog uses nature's recipes in place of highly-processed food and toxic drugs whenever possible. The vibrance of the pack speaks to the value of these methods.
Caring for the Luckydogs is a full-time job and takes quite a lot of money for food, supplements, and vet care. If you find value in Luckydog's mission, please support us with donations of money, goods, or services and please tell your friends about Luckydog.
If you'd like to donate using Zelle, use the email address Enter "Luckydog" (no spaces, no quotation marks) as the business name If Zelle wants a first and last name, put "Luckydog Luckydog". If you prefer to use a credit or debit card or Pay-pal, please use the red button below to donate.
Thank you!
We provide care to pets with unique needs, giving them a new lease on life.
Loved at last!
We pioneer and explore solutions for improved quality of life.
Heal with Love!
Re-Treats can help you and the pets of Luckydog Sanctuary.
You Lucky Dog!
Copyright © 2019 - All Rights Reserved. "Lucky Dog Sanctuary", "Luckydog", "Luckitty", "Luckitties", "Luckydog Sanctuary", "Lucky Pet Sanctuary", "Heal Thy Pet" , "Pet Restoration Procedures" , "Pet Restoration". "Pet Restoration Products" are copyrighted terms. Stories of disease or recovery shared on this page are anecdotal and no claims are made to the effectiveness of any treatment, therapy or experiment.
DISCLAIMER: The authors of this content and the manufacturers/sellers of products offered via this website wish to disclose that WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL OR VETERINARY ADVICE, DIAGNOSIS, OPINIONS, OR SERVICES OR GUARANTEE THE SAFETY OR EFFICACY OF PRODUCTS, OPINIONS, OR IDEAS EXPRESSED ON, OFFERED ON, LINKED TO, OR RECOMMENDED BY THIS WEB SITE. The information on this site is NOT INTENDED or IMPLIED to be a substitute for professional medical or veterinary advice, diagnosis, or treatment. All content (text, graphics, images, recorded/streamed audio/video) and all information, anectdotes, services or products, contained on, referred to, linked to, and/or available through this web site are for hypothetical discussion and educationalnal research purposes only. Please contact your licensed medical ore veterinary services provider if you, a family member or a pet are experiencing concerning symptoms. If your pet has been made sick by a vaccine and you are afraid to vaccinate again, please conatact a holistic veterinarian for support. The identities/whereabouts of pets/people mentioned on this site may be altered for reasons of safety and privacy.
Thank you for having an open mind and an open heart and visiting our website.